Sunday, January 3, 2021



Real Estate Home Inspections and Appraisals in the new normal

Even during the COVID-19 outbreak, real estate transactions go on. Buyers and sellers still

need to move, and the industry is looking for new ways to accommodate both the needs of

the transaction and, of course, the safety of everyone.

Many traditional real estate activities can be performed virtually. While no one is 

suggesting that a buyer will be comfortable buying a home they have only seen during a 

Zoom visit, they  can minimize the number of homes they physically visit by pre-screening 

these homes ahead of time through virtual tours.  

There are a few vital pieces of the transaction that require in-person visits, however. Among

these are home inspections and appraisals. Both of these professionals need access to the

property to properly perform their duties, and it leaves some potential home sellers and

buyers wondering if it’s even possible to conclude a real estate transaction right now.

While everyone should cautiously move forward according to their personal sense of 

comfort, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself, your family, and the 

professionals while they are in your home. Before setting the appointments, thing through 

the parts of your home the inspector or appraiser will need to access and think though the 


Contact the home inspector and appraiser and work out a plan together to keep everyone


Communicate with them about off-limit areas, and what parts of the home they can


Have a notepad in which they can communicate what parts of the home they came in

contact with, and offer hand sanitizer and wipes for them to use before and after

touching parts of the home.

Finally, leave the home during the appointments, and clean properly once you return


Life does move on – if you are trying to buy or sell a home during this challenging time, it

might take extra effort. However, working with your real estate team, you can conclude a

successful real estate transaction amid the COVID-19 outbreak.

Kristi Fenton 

Illinois Licensed Real Estate Broker

Swick Realty 

812 Hampshire St

Quincy, IL. 62301
