Getting a professional appraisal ahead of time might seem like the solution, but is it? An appraisal can be defined as an opinion of value at a given moment in time. If you are in an ascending market where listings are selling quickly, the appraiser can only use closed sales as a reference in the appraisal, so you might be tempted to list too low for the market, but not accounting for the increase in sales activity and prices. Contrarily if the market is slow and prices are declining, an appraisal received in May could be too high for the erosion of prices seen over the summer, and your listing will be overpriced for the reality of the neighborhood. More than just these scenarios, a pre-listing appraisal means nothing to the buyer or their lender. They will still use market data to write their offer and their lender will order a new appraisal regardless. While you can reference your appraisal in negotiations, the buyers will still only offer what the property is worth to them and you might miss out on a great deal by trying to stick to your price.
In the end, a pre-listing appraisal is probably a waste of time and money. As your agent has access to the latest market data and can show you the same comparable properties the appraiser would use. Utilizing me as your agent who is a good local agent you can trust and work with me to price your home correctly.
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